티스토리 뷰

여행 이야기

경이로운 사진들

깸뽕 2020. 11. 11. 09:13

 The sky’s reflection looking like aportal to another world

Little watermelon

Astunning thunderstorm

Inside aguitar

This is how snow falls inthe Altai

Atthe bottom ofthe metropolis

The artists’ academy

The Chinese art of the crowd

The road that stopped a fire

Flying under the moon

Thunderstorm formation - view from aplane from 11,000 meters

Aturtle covered inalgae

Thor appears in Novorossiysk

Shining mountain

Arocket’s flight

Aregiment of soldiers onamorning exercise inChinese province Heilongjiang

Sometimes a stone can break a windshield beautifully

Awhite border between Italy and Switzerland

How rain looks through a porthole

What’s hidden under the icebergs

A firefall at sunset

... and the game stopped

Japanese synchronized swimmer Saho Harada

Anairplane carrying a rainbow

Pancake ice

Solar eclipse in Canyon de Chelly nature reserve, Arizona


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